Peter Lachance
Leadership Coach
When you meet Peter you have an immediate sense of connection and presence. This is what makes him such an effective coach. That and lots of training and experience. A favorite expression of his: “Take risk!” He allows clients to do that with the confidence assured by his being there as an always trustworthy center. We are thrilled to have Peter as a member of our team.
With two degrees in electrical engineering, Peter worked for an Air Force contractor and then he ran an artificial intelligence startup company. While working full-time, he earned an MBA with dual majors in Organizational Behavior and Finance. He then ran the North American arm of an international engineering firm, after which he became an executive coach and leadership facilitator.
As a testament to his understanding of individual and group behavior, one of his clients, a mid-sized hospital, engaged him to be their interim VP-HR and Chief Learning Officer because they needed his help to change their corporate culture from one where decisions were made very slowly to one where decisions were quickly made at the lowest possible levels.
Peter is certified as a Strategic Agile Organizational Leadership Consultant, and a Chief People and Performance Officer. He works extensively with The Quintessence Corp. as its Chief Changineer. He also partners with the Rubi Ho Group to improve the organizational health of companies, with Trilogy Partners to prepare companies for ownership transfer, with Resource Associates Corp. to help companies with strategy and sustainable profitability, and with the Total Quality Institute to improve the performance of processes.
Peter also became a certified Sherpa Coach — “Your strengths got you to where you are; your behavior keeps you from achieving even greater success.”
Pete enjoys his friendships and family, playing piano, guitar, banjo and drums, fencing, karate and coaching others in karate, and he loves a glass of beer and good food.