Like systematic errors in engineering overlooked the same way each time, bad patterns in corporate culture can remain decade after decade. The reason these patterns are hard to see for the people who are in them, is, well— they are in them.
Walk into a thousand different corporate cultures, as we have, and you see a thousand different patterns or what is accepted without thinking or judgment as being normal. Most corporate cultures fall into the vast middle. A few at one extreme are extremely bad and the air feels like panic or gloom. Then there are a few at the other end where things are exceptional and special. Even briefly visiting there you leave feeling uplifted, refreshed, as if you’ve seen higher possibilities, and you have.
The ones in the middle will tend to drift along with the bigger business community or the “times.” If the mood in the economy is tense, they will reflect tension, for example. The few exceptional corporate cultures will have more independence and they are more immune to the surrounding world, though they react skillfully in response to it. They are leaders or bright lights even through trying times.
R3Results has a unique value proposition for your company. We will “stop in its tracks” bad patterns in the corporate culture. We will help ferret out negative influences that undermine the goodwill of the company. At the same time we will help you bring fresh, inspiring air to the majority of your employees who will deeply appreciate the company going the way they (and you) wish it to go. It will liberate new energy. Our training will guide your employees to gain this awareness of their corporate culture on their own, and put in their hands the tools to shape it to work best for them and the company. If there are any, a couple bad-egg employees may lose power, or possibly just bad patterns themselves will be disposed of.
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