Training that is separate bits and pieces from various sources simply never comes together. It takes a higher level of planning to weave things in a way that flows from one topic to the next. That’s what we do for you.
When there are many disparate trainers there are just loose pieces.
We integrate the training into a whole. We are the only company to cover all of the major areas of potential loss. While others focus on just information, we recognize that it is not primarily information that will create actionable change. Inner motivation and meaning do that.
Our topics build a better organization and guide the personal growth of each employee. The high production quality of the training holds attention, but it is the way that one topic builds on the previous one that really gives this process unique power. Improved experience and skills result in a better quality of life, in and out of work. The company prospers when employees take on a new energy, wishing to build a team and to shape their own culture. Your company can become a sanctuary from the stresses and ills that prevail all around us. Your team can make its own rules. Productivity and success are the natural results.
Our topics have an outer meaning and an inner meaning or subtext. For example, “Verbally Defusing Violent Confrontations” provides structured practices to cope with workplace violence. That is the “text” or topic. The subtext is that the training builds confidence, centeredness, and leadership. The trainees learn empathy and a new way to view the aggression of others. This will have great importance for later training dealing with stress and communications with difficult people where there is no physical threat but it is in the more subtle realm of insults, put-downs, and unproductive relations.
The next topic is “Preventing Sickness & Enjoying Well-Being.” As the saying goes, “If you don’t have your health…” There’s also a subtext or inner meaning. Organizations themselves can be “sick” and dysfunctional and full of stress. Wellness, particularly when pursued and experienced as a team effort with individual immediate reward, is a perfect template for the goal of making the whole organization healthy. The balance of mind and body under stress, first learned in Verbally Defusing Violent Confrontations, is now brought to the fulfillment of seeking advanced states of wellness and of sharing that with others.
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