R3Results co-founder Ken Hantman, in a former business had visited about 1,500 client’s workplaces over the years: hospitals, universities, factories, government agencies, transportation companies, distribution centers, and so on. What struck him was that at some places everyone was happy and friendly. It was uplifting to visit them. The employees loved the boss and vice-versa. They were creative and productive.
But at other places it was like walking into an Alfred Hitchcock movie or a Twilight Zone. Anger and anxiety were in the air. Sometimes audibly and sometimes just a feeling. No one was safe. Accidents were waiting to happen. These places didn’t do so well.
In transforming a company or agency from the bad state to the good state, the first thing to tackle is the following little statistic: One in seven employees feel fear at work. Confrontations, fighting, threats, bossiness, bullies, underground “Don’t rat me out” anti-company attitudes, all make work a miserable experience.
So we start our transformation of the corporate D.N.A. with our acclaimed de-escalation course which teaches how to deal with bullying and how to handle workplace violence. Our training on conflict resolution in the workplace imparts skills that give confidence that is used in and out of work and leads to leadership and success.
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