We produce dramatic content that engages the audience. Seeing is Believing
Could you imagine watching an hour-long TV show that was a PowerPoint with narration in the background? We can’t.
Learning is stories. Learning is real experience. If you want to train your people you need to entrain them (get them on board!), enthrall them, enliven their experience. There is nothing wrong with PowerPoint. It’s a fine program and we use it ourselves to produce some printed materials. For a webinar it may be just right to show engineers how parts in a machine fit together. But our subjects deal with culture change, communications and things like that. We find that movie-quality produced video is what is needed.
“Roll, Cameras, Action!”
Before you get to that exciting direction there are many, many hours spent in preparation and pre-production. Relevancy is a key consideration. How will this help our client and each member of the audience? Decades of interacting with thousands of companies, along with extensive research helps inform our answer.
Our Videos are full HDTV high def, full color.
A 1983 study (Nuechterlein, 1983) on visual sustained attention, showed that higher definition video resulted in increased attention over time. That’s why we went to the effort to make all our materials full high def. Our webisodes are in SCORM compliant format to work with all Learning Management Systems, and hosted online for your learners’ access so that the high def movie file only takes 12 KB on the SCORM Cloud.
Movie Quality E-Learning
“Roll, Cameras, Action!” Our training immerses the audience. It is similar to when you walk outdoors. You don’t have to consciously observe everything happening. It surrounds you. In the same way, in a minute of our screen time, there are many hours of pre-production, production and post-production time spent pairing images correctly and transitions and underscoring of music. Ideas are densely layered in, some highlighted and called to attention, and some just unconsciously in there. The compacted ideas unfold over time in the next month. The embedded meaning over the next month will surface.
What’s it’s Not and Why. The opposite is true of the typical PowerPoint based e-learning webinar. In those there are several ideas spread out to fill an hour’s time, with nearly randomly chosen stock photos thrown in plus some charts. It is so diluted, and the use of the medium so annoying, that hours later it is rejected and flushed from memory. Worse yet the tedium of watching two or three minutes’ worth of real material dragged over an hour’s time, sets up real resentment. The outcome can be exactly the opposite of what was intended and create a feeling of “Them Versus Us” as the audience chaffs under the company that imposed it. Cutesy animations, silly-sounding “everybody be happy” music and other frills are simply insulting to everyone’s intelligence. Employees, including those who had very little formal school, are adults living in the real world. They deserve more respect than that. We provide it.
The Rest of “Roll, Cameras, Action!” We love making film. There are oodles of hours of pre-production, writing script, auditioning and casting actors, setting up sets. Then the cameras roll. Then the long process of post-production begins where single frames of video —merely a sixtieth of a second each — may be considered. The post production team adjusts color and saturation, selects hundreds of background music and sound underscores that convey emotional content, adds images and transitions to enliven and connect content, and selects from various takes of a scene. There is one central focus: what will best teach the subject and at the same time make a film that is lively and satisfying.
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