Success Under Stress

A company culture built on personal confidence, open communication skills, and pro-company spirit.
With the skills learned in the previous topics we now approach the ultimate goal.
Summation. From dealing with multiple areas of loss, some of which are continual, some background or unobserved yet taking their toll, some infrequent but catastrophic when they hit, we come to the summation. We have addressed workplace violence and verbal defusing, sickness and well-being, crime from insiders and outsiders, public liability issues and workers comp. We have approached these in new ways, not previously done, and in the process have built a stronger company with a happier, healthier team. That unleashed creativity and improved results and profits.
In the final episode of the regular series (other topics may be added based on requests and demand) we deal with the overall health of the organization. What started with defusing gross, violent confrontations, now focuses on the much more frequent, daily insults, put-downs, passive-aggressive dissing, and dysfunctional patterns that take so much energy away from getting work done and from enjoying company teamwork. Skills learned up to this point all come into play in mastering the more subtle realm of this area. Transforming from stress, or a mix of good and bad, to a positive, energetic state of mainly good is the goal. Clearly, employees who have learned self-confidence, who can form buddy-system approaches to helping others, who are well-rested and have better health and well-being, who are heard by others…these employees will best be able to master the subtle skills of communication and relationships. A model of mentoring others and being mentored and constant inspiration can remove destructive patterns and unleash creative growth.
Space and freedom. Before we made the changes it was not too different from cars on the highway during rush traffic, crowding, congesting, pushing…the net effect of which is that the cars in total move slower and less safely and it is very unpleasant for everyone. After we learn the new skills, people have a sense of space and freedom. The percentage of time and energy spent in frustration is cut way down. There’s still challenges but they don’t unsettle us. We can actually make some of them go away.
R3Results is a living experience, growing with you. Recognizing that things at work affect life at home, and things at home affect work, we may, if we have our clients’ and their employees’ trust sufficiently, do a training on multiple matters that happen outside of work, as diverse as domestic abuse, dog bites, driving, and positive things like walking, sports, and visiting nature.
Back to the work venue: white collar crime and fraud are heavy-hitters — about ten times physical theft. Theft of intellectual property, “theft” of personnel (that's really just competitors recruiting away your people), cyber insecurity are other areas of real concern but are likely not for the employee-wide audience our regular topics are intended for. We can provide consultants to work with the CFO. and C.l.0. on those issues.